Hai !
Syukur masih bernyawa. Ok, today i would like to join this !
Depending on the overall number of participants there will be either 10, 20 or 30 winners:
1. Less than 50 Participants (10 winners)
1st Prize: 1 x RM300
2nd Prize: 3 x RM200
3rd Prize: 6 x RM100
2. More than 50 and less than 100 Participants (20 winners)
1st Prize: 1 x RM500
2nd Prize: 7 x RM250
3rd Prize: 12 x RM125
3. More than 100 Participants (30 winners)
1st Prize : 1 x RM800
2nd Prize : 12 x RM300
3rd Prize :17 x RM150
Syukur masih bernyawa. Ok, today i would like to join this !
Lazada buat contest lah.. special for blogger tuuu~ hehe~
Prizes – More Participants More Winners
Depending on the overall number of participants there will be either 10, 20 or 30 winners:
1. Less than 50 Participants (10 winners)
1st Prize: 1 x RM300
2nd Prize: 3 x RM200
3rd Prize: 6 x RM100
2. More than 50 and less than 100 Participants (20 winners)
1st Prize: 1 x RM500
2nd Prize: 7 x RM250
3rd Prize: 12 x RM125
3. More than 100 Participants (30 winners)
1st Prize : 1 x RM800
2nd Prize : 12 x RM300
3rd Prize :17 x RM150
So, I need to answer all the questions.
Here we go !
a. What do you love about Lazada Malaysia?
b. Top three Product picks from Lazada Malaysia
b. Top three Product picks from Lazada Malaysia
(your three favorite products)
c. How do you think Lazada Malaysia can improve?
d. What is your birthday wish to Lazada Malaysia?
c. How do you think Lazada Malaysia can improve?
d. What is your birthday wish to Lazada Malaysia?
Apa yang Nona love, jatuh cinta dengan Lazada ni?
1. Trusted
Yes, nona memang percaya since hari tu menang contest Lazada, last year... Lazada memang betul betul bagi, ingatkan tipu tipu jer.. sebab tak pernah beliii ~so , I trust Lazada ok.
Dan Nona tahu, barang tetap sampai walau lambat atau apa, sebab lepas menang hadiah tuu, Nona dah try beli jugak... huhu, effect bila seller tuh dah dipercayai.... shopping bukan main !
2. Boleh berdiskusi
Ok, maksudnya di sini, sekiranya ada masalah dari segi penghantaran atau keadaan barang, kita boleh terus report kat e-mail..... tanya mcm mana, ..and so on...........kalau tak emel, komen jer IG mereka...Mesti ada yang layan........ dann, mereka akan settle sebaik mungkin.
Lazada do have image to care, takkan nak tercemar sebab komen negatifff je kan?
3. Sales dan harga berpatutan
Lazada always do offer and sales, many percents !!!! I like ! And, the price, affordable, ada murah berbanding kat luar...cousin Nona pernah beli handphone kott ! Survey harga kat Lazada, seriusss more cheaper lahh time tuh :)
3. Do support blogger
Haaaa...............ni salah satunya yang aku tengok.... dan i am very love it, Lazada !
Thanks for supporting us !
Ok, untuk top 3 barang yang Nona sedang ushar, dan tertarik is :-
1. Multi-Function 2-Layer Electric Food and Egg Cooker/ Boilers & Steamer (Pink)
So cute and useful !
2. Nikon Coolpix W100 Wifi (Pink) + 8GB + Case - Malaysia Warranty
Wow, so hot pink and useful !
3. OEM Emoji Cute Unisex Slippers Warm Winter Home Shoes Indoor Slippers
Plush Slipper Yellow
Menceriakan hariku ! Ini buat sesaja, terbaca pasal tutup aurat kat rumah, guna selipar macam nih bila sedara datang, sebab tak nak pakai stokin selaluuu, hihii
Ok, bagi saya..Lazada can improve on make sure barang sampai dalam masa yang betul betul ditetapkan.....lepastu, cek barang sebelum dihantar, ada komen yang saya baca, terkurang item la, tak sama macam spec lah.... well, pengguna ada macam macam kan.....
~ Easy to viral ~
Ok, to Lazada............. (drumroll):-
1. Happy Birthday my dear ! Shengre Kuaile !
2. Hope you will be the best ever online shop to shop everytime and everywhere !
3. Keep being a trusted seller!
4. Success, and always improve to achieve your goal !
5. I want Iphone 6 FREE~ ahhahahaha, kidding !

Many years to come !
Once again, let me shout, Let's Join ! Click now for reading how to participate!
Thanks Lazada !
all the best
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih semuaaa..
all the best
ReplyDeleteShad bulan ni dah 4x shoping di Lazada. Satu ja yg tak best pasal LaAsa ni, sekali dah terjebak, mesti banyak kali punya nak menyoping! Hehe.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck sis. Harap2 ada rezeki kita. Amin.. 😘😘
Good luck jgk dari saya..hehe
ReplyDeleteSemakin ramai yang join contest lazada ni. Main prize pun tak boleh tahan juga. Btw, good luck!
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih banyak banyak semua...hehe~
ReplyDeleteYes, yes.... shad..bagusss, 4 kali smapai...fuhyooooo
NONA, goodluck!! All the best :D
ReplyDeletegood luck ye nona..
Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHehhehee... semua barang gurgirls sangat.
Terima kasihh, ye..harap success nih, gegirl sangat saya nihh, but its ok, ahhahaha~
ReplyDeletewow good luck
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