Wordless Wednesday: Kopi Cendol Kluang Rail Coffee Pasir Gudang

Wordless Wednesday: Kopi Cendol Kluang Rail Coffee Pasir Gudang

Wordless Wednesday: Kopi Cendol Kluang Rail Coffee Pasir Gudang 

Kopi Cendol

Sedap! First time try. Selalunya soya Dan Cendol. Ini Kali kasik try Kopi Cendol pulak lah...Haha..Not bad! Nanti leh try lagi ler~

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  1. Kopi ni rasa macam mana? Ada rasa cendol ke?

  2. Kopi cendol woowww first time dengar.

  3. The calendar 2025 uk​ is a must-have for staying organized, whether planning travels or exploring unique experiences. Speaking of experiences, Kopi Cendol at Kluang Rail Coffee Pasir Gudang sounds like a delightful treat! Marking such moments on a well-structured calendar helps plan foodie adventures alongside work schedules. Can't wait to try this Malaysian classic while keeping my 2025 plans on track.


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